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    To avoid warnings or deleted threads, Please ensure you provide proof of hosting including your Se7ensins name. Do not charge for lobbies or offer Recoveries unless explicitly approved by Admin.
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    Thank you for being awesome!

Dansaxee 2.5k money drop GTA V. 100% safe

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Hey everybody,

Want money but dont wana grind away at missions? easy. quick money drops!

Drop you SC names below and i can add you to lobbies when I'm online. Be patient, I'll get to everyone as soon as i can.

A few rules to get us started,
1. Meet at the airport at the south of the map
2. Do not invite anyone into the lobby, it will just get you and your friends, as well as myself caught.
3. Dont bank money while in lobby, and dont spend money while collecting in lobby, Rockstar servers will catch you.
4. Stand still when i am dropping money on your character.
5. Finally, tell your friends to drop their SC in my thread so i can help them out too!
6. Be patient, last thread got a little out of hand lol

As always feel free to tip or donate to paypal.me/dansaxee



Services Mr. Nice Guy Beginning of An Odyssey
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Approved! Please note that you are NOT allowed to charge, offer recoveries, advertise offsite contact, or lead users off-site via this thread. If you're found doing this, your thread will be removed and you may receive an infraction. You are also NOT allowed to prioritize anyone who donates to your lobby - they cannot receive special treatment in your lobby because they donated, nor can you provide them any paid services, etc. You will also be infracted if we find out that you're prioritizing your donators. Please remember to report your thread to be opened or closed at the start or end of your hosting session, respectively. Please keep in mind that you are NOT allowed to do any of (but not limited to) the following via this thread:
  • Advertise and/or charge for any type of service
  • Advertise and/or provide benefits to users who donate to you
  • Lead users offsite in any way, shape, and/or form. Such as (but not limited to):
    • Social media contacts, email, text, instant message
Failure to adhere to the items listed above will result in your thread being deleted, and your account receiving an infraction. If anyone sees this thread violating any of the hosting guidelines of this section, or rules for the site, please report the thread ASAP. Thank you for hosting for free on Se7enSins! Notice: I am not the host, please do not message or quote me asking for an invitation to the lobby.
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