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RollerCoaster Tycoon World Early Access Date Announced


If you've been keeping up with RollerCoaster Tycoon World news, then you would know that this game has been delayed quite a bit. However, things are finally beginning to look good for this game because the Steam Early Access release date has finally been revealed. RollerCoaster Tycoon World is set to be the first major PC release of another RollerCoaster Tycoon video game since 2004.

You can pickup the Early Access edition of the game for $50 starting on March 30th. Since the game is being released under the Early Access program, it's evident that there is still a lot more work to be done on the game, and the Early Access edition will simply be a little taste of what we're in for once the full game is released. Atari has acknowledged the fact that not everyone who has already pre-ordered the game will want to participate in Early Access, so they're giving players March 30th to try out the game, and if they wish to stick around in Early Access, they can, but they also have the option to get themselves a refund until March 31st.


The Early Access version of the game will let you experience the Campaign mode, Scenarios and the Sandbox mode. Players will also have access to the user generated content system. A variety of rides will also be available, including 10 types of roller coasters, 30 flat rides and 4 themes to work around.

Atari have also commented on the current state of the game, backing up the fact that the game is not complete and that it needs help from players to finish.
Yes, there really is much more work we want to do, this isn't about just bug fixing but also adding new functionalities that the game needs. As Early Access progresses, our timeline for release will become clearer.
We have spent a considerable amount of time testing the game, but at this point it is inevitable you'll be running into some issues as you build your parks, trust that with each quirk or glitch you find and report, it means that there will be one fewer in the final version of the game. So yes, in this current build you will still find bugs, balance issues, missing features, frustration points, and maybe some crashes.

What do you think? Are you excited for this game to be released? Will you be purchasing the Early Access version of the game through Steam? Leave your thoughts below!

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